Zastosowanie metody LCA do analizy wpływu opon samochodowych na środowisko naturalne
Application of the LCA method to analyze the impact of car tires on the environment
In connection with the deteriorating condition of the environment, there is an increasing need to determine the impact of the life cycle of car tires on the environment - from processes related to the extraction of raw materials, their production, use, and post-use development. It is important to properly assess environmental impacts at each of these stages. This analysis is possible due to the use of various methods. The aim of the article is to present the LCA method for identifying the negative effects of car tires on the environment. It is caused by the fact that all stages of the material life cycle of tires generate pollution. The work deals with the problem of decreasing environmental resources, and thus limited possibilities of satisfying the needs of production processes. It is also discussed the need to increase awareness of the need for proper disposal of tires after the end of their use. In addition, the results of the ecological and energy life cycle analysis of the car tire were presented, which allowed the identification of areas with the greatest adverse impact on the environment and an indication to take actions to minimize negative impacts.
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