Analiza wybranych elementów inteligentnych systemów transportowych w Szczecinie

Analysis of selected elements of smart systems transportation in Szczecin

  • Kinga Kijewska Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, Wydział Inżynieryjno-Ekonomiczny Transportu
Keywords: analysis, smart systems, transportation


The aim of the article is to present solutions in the field of intelligent transport systems used in Szczecin. The city of Szczecin, due to its location and communication routes, is an important element of the national transport system. The city's task is to provide all users with efficient mobility, not forgetting to maintain the principles of sustainable development. The way to meet these goals is the implementation of intelligent transport systems. The subject of the research presented in the article are the selected subsystems of the intelligent transport system operating in Szczecin. The analysis was made by verifying information provided by Variable Message Signs.


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Efektywność transportu/Transport efficiency