Effect of emission measurement of toxic exhaust components of automotive vehicles equipped with spark-ignition engines on the environment during mandatory check tests at vehicle inspection stations

Wpływ pomiaru emisji toksycznych składników spalin pojazdów samo-chodowych wyposażonych w silniki o zapłonie iskrowym na środowisko podczas obowiązkowych badań kontrolnych na stacjach kontroli pojazdów

  • Marek Idzior Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Silników Spalinowych i Transportu
  • Edward Czapliński Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Silników Spalinowych i Transportu
  • Marzena Korzik Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Silników Spalinowych i Transportu
Keywords: combustion engine, exhaust emission, exhaust emission reduction, environmental pollution, control of exhaust emissions, reduction of toxic emissions, smog, human health


The article describes aspects related to the impact of toxic components of exhaust gases from motor vehicles, which are equipped with spark-ignition engines for environmental pollution and a negative impact on human health. The paper presents aspects related to the structure of passenger cars in Poland and the European Union, which are in operation and subject to mandatory control tests. The methodology of performing mandatory periodic check-ups in diagnostic stations and on the basis of the developed research results also includes a group of vehicles that does not meet the legal requirements for the measurement of exhaust emissions. The results of passenger car tests in selected European Union countries have been presented.


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Eksploatacja i Testy/Exploitation and Tests