Biometryczna weryfikacja tożsamości kierowców na podstawie obrazu twarzy

Biometrical driver face verification

  • Jolanta Chmielińska Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Wydział Elektroniki
  • Jacek Jakubowski Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Wydział Elektroniki
Keywords: road safety, monitoring system, convolutional neural networks, identity verification, face images, driver fatigue, tachogram


The paper discusses the problem of face verification in a driver monitoring system for the purpose of traffic safety. Two different methods of face verification were proposed. Both of them are based on a convolutional neural network and were developed with the use of a transfer learning technique. In the paper, the results produced by both proposed method have been presented and compared. Moreover, their advantages and disadvantages have been discussed.


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Bezpieczeństwo i Ekologia/Safety and Ecology