Market conditions of mutual funds functioning in Poland

  • Dariusz Filip
Keywords: mutual fund industry, development of financial institutions, assets under management, market competition


The purpose of the paper is to discuss the structure of financial intermediaries market with particular reference made to mutual funds, and to present the role they have played in the financial sector. Moreover, the study focusses on the presentation of the environment of the mutual funds functioning in Poland, which is possible by comparing the level of assets values in main groups of financial institutions over the long-term perspective. Furthermore, it is essential in the cognitive context to determine the influence of market trends on the popularity of given segments of funds. The analysis has shown that the development of collective investment institutions industry in Poland is incontestable. Even though the mutual funds have gained a relatively strong position on the financial intermediaries market, they clearly give priority to the banking sector institutions. The volume of market shares of main types of funds has changed over time, which could be dependent on capital market factors.


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