Wpływ organizacji transportu w przedsiębiorstwie na jego efektywność energetyczną
Impact of transport organization in an enterprise on its energy efficiency
Energy efficiency has become the main goal of energy policy in the world. It conditioned policy towards energy-intensive sectors, such as road transport. However, improving energy efficiency may lead to changes in demand for energy services that would offset some of the energy savings achieved. Accordingly, energy saving forecasts may be overstated. The article analyzes the energy efficiency of road transport in a model service enterprise in Poland. A common methodology was used to estimate the energy demand function using the algorithm described in PN-EN 16247-4 Energy audits: Part 4 - Transport. The obtained results illustrate the average fuel efficiency at the level of 78%. The analysis of indicators shows that the analyzed years 2014÷2016 do not differ with respect to the operating speed and the time of operation of the vehicles. Compared to 2014, other years are marked by a decrease (around 15%) in vehicle speed. In 2016, the lowest equivalent fuel consumption was recorded compared to 2014 (7% difference) and 2015 (17% difference). The average annual decrease in fuel consumption of 8% in energy consumption in transport. It was also analyzed, by simulation, that in three years of fleet use reduction of the environmental impact may not be achieved after improving the efficiency.
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