Lokalizacja stacji roweru miejskiego jako element kształtowania polityki komunikacyjnej w miastach
Location of the city bike station as an element of shaping the communication policy in cities
Efficient implementation of displacements in cities requires, on the one hand, understanding in terms of transport needs, time of their formation, frequency, spatial extent (determining spatial relations) and, on the other hand, proper linking of all available methods of solving problems related to communication efficiency of urban transport systems. In recent years, the approach to the preferred forms of displacement in cities has changed. More and more often, residents use bicycles to implement everyday displacements. An important role in changing the approach to the method of displacement is played by the popularity and development of city bike systems. The article presents the results of research carried out on the occasion of social consultations regarding Radom Municipal Bike and the expected changes regarding the development of bicycle infrastructure in Radom. The detailed characteristics of selected Radomski Rower Miejski stations in Radom were also presented.
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14. https://nextbike.pl/news/w-radomiu-wystartowal-pilotazowy-system-rowerow-miejskich.
15. https://nextbike.pl/o-nextbike.
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