Metoda importu danych eksploatacyjnych urządzeń sterowania ruchem kolejowym do bazy danych
Method of importing operational data of railway traffic control devices into the database
Railway control devices are responsible for the safe and efficient operation of railway traffic. Despite the continuous development of these devices, like other technical solutions, they are being damaged. However, since railway control devices are safety-related, they are not only required to be reliable, but also to be free from unacceptable risks. The very large number of control devices, the variety of their types, the variety of technical solutions, as well as the specific failure rate make it very difficult to ensure the efficiency of these equipment. Therefore, their operation must be supported by technical diagnostics. Information obtained as a result of technical diagnostics about changes in the technical condition of devices is stored in specific data sets. However, in the case of individual railway lines plants of PKP PLK S.A. these are most often Excel spreadsheets of Microsoft Office. The authors of the article proposed to transfer these data to the MS SQL relational database with the use of proprietary software developed for this purpose.
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