Rejestracja procesu hamowania kasety ochronnej rejestratora katastroficznego podczas testu zderzeniowego

Recording the braking process of a catastrophic flight data recorder protection cassette during a crash test

  • Zbigniew Jakielaszek Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych, Warszawa, Zakład Samolotów i Śmigłowców
  • Andrzej Panas Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych, Warszawa, Zakład Samolotów i Śmigłowców
  • Mirosław Nowakowski Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych, Warszawa, Zakład Samolotów i Śmigłowców
  • Maciej Białecki Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych, Warszawa, Zakład Samolotów i Śmigłowców
  • Marcin Bryl Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych, Warszawa, Zakład Samolotów i Śmigłowców
  • Krzysztof Maciuszak Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych, Warszawa, Zakład Samolotów i Śmigłowców
  • Janusz Wiśniewski Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych, Warszawa, Zakład Samolotów i Śmigłowców
Keywords: catastrophic flight data recorder, crash test, overload, EuroCAE ED-112 standard, NO-16-A200 standard


The article describes methods for recording the course of a test probe crashing into an obstacle in the form of a sand bed and the consequent rapid deceleration process by the braking object. The tested probe is adapted for placing a catastrophic flight data recorder protection cassette inside of it. The tests were conducted in order to confirm the resistance of the protection cassette to a g-load of 3400g acting on the cassette for ca. 6.5 ms, as per the guidelines of the standards: European EuroCAE ED-112 and Polish NO-16-A200. The probe was accelerated to a required velocity using a DPZ-250 pneumatic cannon, owned by the Institute of Aviation. The controlled braking process was obtained thanks to a sand bed located within the braking station, which was designed and constructed at Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT). The course of each crash test, that is, the flight and the process of a test probe crashing into the sand was recorded by a camera for recording fast transient phenomena. Conducting the crucial tests involved installing an overload recording system inside the test probe, which directly records and saves the overloads associated with collisions. The objective of the first test stage was to confirm the correctness of the adopted methodology and to develop test procedures used in further experiments. The essential tests involved installing a catastrophic flight data recorder electronics package inside the test probe in order to confirm satisfying the requirement in terms of overload.

The executed tests confirmed reaching the parameters of the experiment, which satisfy the normative requirements of the test conditions. The checks of the tested catastrophic flight data recorder elements proved its resistance to a g-load of 3400 g. The applied g-load recording methods enabled the inspectors to confirm reaching the required value and the nature of changes of the hazards, the test probe was subjected to during the impact tests.


1. EuroCAE ED-112, Minimum operational performance specification for crash protected airborne recorder systems, Revision A September 1, 2013.
2. NO-16-A200:2006, Wojskowe statki powietrzne, Pokładowe rejestratory katastroficzne, Wymagania i badania, 2006.
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4. Jakielaszek Z., Panas A.J., Nowakowski M., Klemba T., Fikus B., Evaluation of numerical modelling application for the crash test planning of the catastrophic Flight Data Recorder, “Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology”
5. Jakielaszek Z., Nowakowski M., Panas A. J., Kowaleczko G., Testy zderzeniowe kasety ochronnej systemu rejestracji parametrów lotu S2-3A, Autobusy: technika, eksploatacja, systemy trans-portowe” 2017, nr 12;
6. Jakielaszek Z., Nowakowski M., Panas A. J., Białecki M., Bryl M., Klemba T., Analiza przebiegu testu zderzeniowego kasety ochronnej, ML-XVIII 2018, Tom 1.
Bezpieczeństwo i Ekologia/Safety and Ecology