Układ akwizycji i archiwizacji parametrów ruchu układów mobilnych – przegląd czujników pomiarowych

The system of acquisition and archiving of motion parameters of mobile systems - an overview of measuring sensors

  • Jakub Grabiński Politechnika Poznańska
  • Konrad Waluś Politechnika Poznańska, Wydział Inżynierii Transportu, Katedra Podstaw Konstrukcji Maszyn
Keywords: accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, measuring system


As part of the work, a measuring system is presented that allows collecting and recording vehicle motion parameters. To build the system, an inertial navigation module was used, consisting of two-axis accelerometers and gyroscopes made in MEMS technology. The tests were carried out and calculation methods were developed to allow the collected data to be referenced, to a point in the three-dimensional space, in order to determine the trajectory of the vehicle's movement. The built-in measuring system uses three types of sensors: accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer. Each of these sensors allows the measurement of the physical size in three orthogonal axes of the Cartesian coordinate system. In addition, the work uses a satellite navigation module (GPS), as a reference on the "macro" scale (coordinate system related to the center of the globe with a radius of about 6371 km) for the inertial updating module (INS / IMU), enabling accurate measurement in the "micro" scale (the coordinate system associated with the starting point of the traffic for the route, the length of which does not exceed several hundred meters).

The article presents an overview of available measuring sensors with special consideration of the parameters of selected sensors and errors introduced into the measurement system.


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Eksploatacja i Testy/Exploitation and Tests