Realizacja strategii różnicowania usług transportowych na przykładzie operatora logistycznego

Implementation of the differentiation strategy for transport services on the example of a logistics service provider

  • Maria Cieśla Politechnika Śląska, Wydział Transportu
Keywords: differentiation strategy, transport services, logistics services, service portfolio analysis, McKinsey matrix


The purpose of this article was to provide an example of an analysis of the strategy for diversifying services of one of the largest logistics operators operating on the Polish market by matching elements of the service portfolio to a strategic position in the McKinsey matrix. The paper presents the most important features of a strategy based on differentiating product or service features. Then, the transport, forwarding and logistics market was analyzed based on the ranking and results from 2017. In the next part, the portfolio of services of the largest logistics service operator was analyzed. The services were also classified according to the McKinsey matrix by assessing the attractiveness of the sector and assessing the competitiveness of the services of the analyzed entity, which gave the opportunity to locate services in the fields of growth and support strategy.


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Organizacja i zarządzanie/Organization and management