Performance measurement in supply chains

  • Piotr Korneta Faculty of Management, Warsaw University of Technology
  • Andrzej Krzyszkowski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, Faculty of Transport and Electrical Engineering
  • Magda Chmiel University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, Faculty of Economics and Legal Sciences
Keywords: supply chain;, supply chain management;, performance measurement


The article presents performance measurement concept with its application possibility in supply chain management. A practical performance measurement model in supply chains was also presented. Stated model comprises three key areas – transportation, resources and information technology optimization. Against each of aforementioned areas exemplar performance indicators were set. Contemplated model, pursuant to insignificant adjustments implementation, aimed to consider local aspects of supply chain partners, can be applicable in polish companies, that constitute supply chains.


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Organizacja i zarządzanie/Organization and management