Specific approach to select of freight elevators for multi-floor manufacturing

Specyficzne podejście do wyboru wind towarowych dla wielopiętrowej produkcji

  • Tygran Dzhuguryan Akademia Morska w Szczecinie
  • Zofia Jóźwiak Akademia Morska w Szczecinie
Keywords: multi-floor manufacturing, freight elevator, performance


The application of multi-floor cellular manufacturing in huge cities is related to the rational use of urban areas and the solution of traffic problems. The select of freight elevators is a vital part of decision process in the multi-floor manufacturing which allows the enterprise to select equipment considering technical, economic, environmental, social and other factors. This paper presents the specific approach to the selection of freight elevators for the multi-floor cellular manufacturing. A model for freight elevators selection is proposed considering the manufacturing performance, the carrying capacity of vertical transport system, and the number of floors of cellular manufacturing.


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Organizacja i zarządzanie/Organization and management