Latające samochody
The flying cars
The article presents the history of the origins of the production of flying cars. The contemporary challenges faced by the constructors of flying aircraft have been described. The companies involved in the design of structures and the production of flying cars have been presented. Some of the ongoing works on design were presented and future strategies for their development were discussed.
W artykule przedstawiono historię początków produkcji latających samochodów. Opisano współczesne wyzwania stojące przed konstruktorami latających samolotów. Zaprezentowano firmy zajmujące się konstruowaniem oraz produkcją latających samochodów. Przedstawiono niektóre z trwających prac nad projektowaniem oraz omówione zostały przyszłe strategie ich rozwoju.
Blain L. AeroMobil Flying Car now available for pre-order April 27th, 2017.
Burns A. The luxurious AeroMobil Flying Car will begin shipping in 2020. Flying Subscribe April 21, 2017
Burns A. The Moller M400 Skycar is for Sale on eBay Flying Subscribe July 14, 2017.
CarAndBike Team. Pal-V Liberty Flying Car Makes Its Public Debut 07, 2018 March Geneva 2018.www.
Carriere D. February PAL-V Flying Cars Now for Sale. Dutch developer expects to make first deliveries by the end of 2018.
Hawkins J. A You can now buy the Moller Skycar, one of the world's most iconic 'flying cars' ‘It cannot be flown’ The Verge Jul 6, 2017.
Kautonen A. Pop.Up Next flying taxi concept. The flying pod gains better styling inside and out while shedding weight. Audi influences Geneva March 6th 2018.
O'Hare R. and Zolfagharifard E. Flying cars are just two years away: Terrafugia claims its TF-X will be ready to take to the skies by 2018. MailOnline. 19.February 2016.
Philip S.Terrafugia TF-X the flying supercar, From Top Gear 30 July 2015.
Renner M. "Vehicle Production Rises, But Few Cars Are "Green" Worldwatch Institute." Worldwatch Institute". 2018.
Shivali Best For Mailonline. Flying cars could hit the skies in 2019 after Volvo's parent company. Geely buys 'street-legal plane' startup Terrafugia. 14 November 2017
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