Ochrona infrastruktury krytycznej. Uregulowania prawne

The critical infrastructure protection. Legislation

  • Józef Sadowski Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku, Wydział Nauk o Zarządzaniu i Bezpieczeństwie, Katedra Zarządzania
Keywords: infrastructure, legislation, protection


The content outline: in accordance with law, the Polish critical infrastructure constitutes 11 sectors, vital for national security and public safety persistence. Two of the sectors (energy sector and transportation systems sector), are elements of the European Critical Infrastructure, and due to Poland’s EU and NATO membership, are subject to particular protection. The paper describes general principles of Polish critical infrastructure safety law acts and critical infrastructure sectors. Later in this paper, 4 alert states (THREATCON), and their impact on the critical infrastructure safety and protection were presented. The purpose and the program content of the National Critical Infrastructure Protection Programme and the National Infrastructure Protection Plan were described.


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Organizacja i zarządzanie/Organization and management