Badania symulacyjne wybranych parametrów hydrostatycznego układu napędowego manipulatora antropomorficznego w kontekście wykorzystania w transporcie bliskim

Selected parameter’s simulation research in a hydrostatic drive system for anthropomorphic manipulators used in transportation

  • Karol Cieślik Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna w Warszawie, Wydział Mechaniczny
  • Piotr Krogul Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna w Warszawie, Wydział Mechaniczny
  • Kacper Spadło Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna w Warszawie, Wydział Mechaniczny
  • Rafał Typiak Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna w Warszawie, Wydział Mechaniczny
Keywords: simulation, research, hydrostatic drive system, transportation


The article compares anthropomorphic and industrial manipulators. The basic differences between these constructions are indicated, resulting both from the control method as well as the kinematic structure. Presented the method of developing the kinematic structure of the anthropomorphic manipulator as a construction similar to the human upper limb. An anthropomorphic manipulator model was developed based on accepted assemblies concerning a significant increase in human working capacity in the context of reloading and transport work. Simulation studies were carried out on the manipulator model developed in the aspect of determining selected hydrostatic drive system parameters.


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Efektywność transportu/Transport efficiency