Konstrukcja wału z wykorzystaniem generatora programu Inventor. Weryfikacja modułu obliczeniowego

Shaft design using the inventor generator. Verification of the calculation module

  • Andrzej Maciejczyk Politechnika Łódzka, Katedra Pojazdów i Podstaw Budowy Maszyn
Keywords: Inventor programme, generator, shaft neck, drive shaft, computer simulation


Paper presented the design process of an example shaft with the use of an Inventor generator, preceded by preliminary analytical fatigue calculations. The operation of the generator is discussed. Procedures of load introduction are indicated. The operation of the calculation module was analyzed. The results obtained by analytical calculations with those obtained during computer simulation were compared. The method of selecting the diameter of the shaft spigot without the need to perform tedious preliminary calculations is presented.


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Eksploatacja i Testy/Exploitation and Tests