Wykorzystanie gruntów antropogenicznych przy zabezpieczaniu niestatecznego nasypu drogowego

Use of anthropogenic soils in securing unstable road embankment

  • Elżbieta Pilecka Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki, Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej
  • Magdalena Moskal Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki, Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej
Keywords: geotechnics, anthropogenic waste, aggregate, process waste, road construction, road embankment, instability, car road


In the article the problem of anthropogenic soils from thermal treatment of waste in terms of their use in road construction is discussed. As part of the research, the basic physical and mechanical properties of the anthropogenic soils were determined. PN-S-02205: 1998, the analyzed ground material (fly ash and slag  mixture) qualifies as useful for embedding into the lower layers of the embankment below the freezing zone, provided they are in dry places or are insulated from water. The next step was to model an exemplary, unstable road embankment in the MIDAS GTS NX. The results point out that the strength and physical properties of the anthropogenic soils may be used to secure unstable road embankments with simple soil and water conditions. It should be remembered that analysed anthropogenic soils should also be subjected to rigorous testing for their chemical composition. The obtained results will allow us to determine the possibilities of their use in road construction in terms of their strength properties.


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Bezpieczeństwo i Ekologia/Safety and Ecology