Validation and verification procedures for ERRV as an safety aspect of emergency response and rescue in offshore sector

Procedury walidacji i weryfikacji ERRV jako aspekt bezpieczeństwa reagowania w sytuacjach awaryjnych i ratownictwa w sektorze morskim

  • Dariusz Nowak Polish Naval Academy, Faculty of Navigation and Naval Weapons
  • Artur Grządziel Polish Naval Academy, Faculty of Navigation and Naval Weapons
Keywords: obtaining and renewing the certificate and the standards that must be maintained on offshore survival craft


The article in a brief form touch the issue of validation and revalidation of the certificate permitting ERRV to carry out rescue tasks and ensure the safety of persons working in the offshore sector, in particular drilling rigs and other installations. Presents the specific tasks and duties of ERRV and the standards that should be met by the crew of these particular vessels. Compliance with certain standards is closely related to the level of crew training and skills of using the equipment on board. It also presents the connections between hydro - meteorological conditions on scene during validation / revalidation exam and results of it.


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Organizacja i zarządzanie/Organization and management