Równania ruchu płyty obciążonej oscylatorem poruszającym się ze zmienną prędkością

Equations of motion of plate loaded with an oscillator moving at a variable speed

  • Wacław Szcześniak Politechnika Lubelska, Wydział Budownictwa i Architektury
  • Magdalena Ataman Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej
Keywords: moving particle, moving oscillator, Kirchhoff plate


The subject of the study is a Kirchhoff thin plate subjected to moving inertial load. The plate is loaded with a particle or viscoelastic oscillator moving at a variable speed. In the article the equations of motion of the considered systems in analytical form are presented and analysed. Two cases of equations of motion are considered. In the first case, the load is on the plate - forced vibrations, while in the second case the load is outside the plate - free vibrations. Due to the nature of the load, the Renaudot material derivative appears in the equations of motion of the analysed systems.


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Eksploatacja i Testy/Exploitation and Tests